US Citizenship Test 問題集で学ぶアメリカ市民権公民テスト対策12 スピーキング #在米鍋会



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US Citizenship Test 問題集で学ぶアメリカ市民権公民テスト対策12 スピーキング






USCIS側からしたら、自分で記入したんだから、どう言う意味なのかはわかってYes No書いていますよね?と言う至極真っ当な面接でもあると思います。ですから、単語の意味がわからずYes Noを解答していたら虚偽の可能性もあるかもしれないと思われてもしょうがないですよねと言うこと。


Advocate: Supporter – a person who publicly promotes or recommends a particular cause, policy, or idea.支持者、擁護者

Arrested: Detained – taken into custody by law enforcement for alleged criminal activity.

Bear arms: Carry weapons – exercise the right to possess and use firearms.

Civilian: Nonmilitary – a person not serving in the armed forces or law enforcement. 一般市民

Claim: Assert – state or assert that something is true, typically without providing evidence. 主張、申し立て

Country of Nationality: Nation of Citizenship – the country to which a person belongs by birth or legal citizenship.

Crime: Offense – an illegal act punishable by law.

Detention facility: Holding facility – a place where individuals are held in custody, often by law enforcement or immigration authorities. 拘置所、収容施設

Disability: Impairment – a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s ability to function.

Divorce: Dissolution – the legal termination of a marriage.

Fail: Unsuccessful – not meeting expectations or achieving a desired outcome.

False: Untrue – not in accordance with fact or reality. 詐欺的な

File a tax return: Submit tax forms – submit official documents to the government reporting income and taxes owed.

Forcing sexual contact or relations: Sexual assault – engaging in sexual activity with someone without their consent.

☆Fraudulent: Deceptive – involving deceit or trickery, typically for personal gain.

Gamble: Wager – play games of chance for money or other stakes.

Genocide: Mass extermination – the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially of a particular ethnic group.

Guerrilla group: Insurgent force – a group of irregular fighters engaged in military activities against an established government or authority.

Habitual drunkard: Chronic alcoholic – a person who regularly and excessively consumes alcohol.

Immigration benefit: Migration advantage – a favorable outcome or advantage gained through immigration laws or policies. グリーンカード、ビザ、市民権など

☆Insurgent organization: Rebel group – a group that revolts against an established government or authority. 反乱組織

Jail: Prison – a facility for the confinement of individuals accused or convicted of a crime.

Labor camp: Forced labor facility – a place where individuals are compelled to work, often under harsh conditions.

☆Legally incompetent: Mentally incapacitated – lacking the legal capacity to make decisions due to mental impairment. 法的に能力が不十分な 最近はこう言う言い方をするのね。なんかこっちの方が失礼に聞こえるんだけど違うのかな。

Lie: Deceive – intentionally make false statements with the intent to deceive.

Marital Status: Marital condition – the state of being single, married, divorced, or widowed.

Married: Wedded – having a legally recognized union with a spouse.

Mental institution: Psychiatric hospital – a facility for the treatment of mental illness.

Military unit: Armed force – an organized group within the military with a specific function or task. 軍隊、軍団

Militia: Citizen army – a military force composed of ordinary citizens trained for emergency service. 民兵

Misleading: Deceptive – giving the wrong idea or impression. 

Misrepresentation: Distortion – the action of giving a false or misleading account of the nature of something.

Noncombatant: Civilian – a person not engaged in fighting during a war. 非戦闘員

Nonresident:  a person who does not reside in a particular place or jurisdiction.

Obtain: Acquire – get or secure something through effort or action. 獲得する、取得する

Overdue: Delinquent – not paid or received by the due date.

Owe: Be indebted – be under obligation to pay or repay money.

☆Paramilitary unit: Militarized group – an armed organization that operates similarly to a military force but is not officially recognized as such. 準軍事部隊

☆Persecute: Oppress – subject someone to hostility or ill-treatment, especially because of their race, religion, or beliefs. 迫害する

Prison: Penitentiary – a facility for the confinement of individuals convicted of crimes.

Police unit: Law enforcement agency – an organized group responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing laws. 警察部隊

Prison camp: Detention center – a facility where prisoners are held, often under harsh conditions.

☆Probation: Supervised release – a period during which a person who has committed a crime is monitored instead of being imprisoned. 保護観察、執行猶予

Public benefit: Government assistance – financial or other aid provided by the government to those in need.

Rebel group: Insurgent force – a group that opposes or fights against an established government or authority. 反乱グループ、反逆グループ

Register: Enroll – officially record or enter one’s name on an official list or register.

Resident: Inhabitant – a person who lives in a particular place or residence.

Single: Unmarried – not married or in a romantic relationship.

Self-defense unit: Protection force – a group organized for the purpose of defending against threats or attacks. 自衛隊

☆Smuggle: Traffic – transport goods or people illegally. 密輸する

Spouse: Partner – a husband or wife in relation to their married partner.

Title of nobility: Aristocratic rank – a hereditary rank or privilege granted by a sovereign authority. 貴族の称号

Torture: Infliction of pain – the action or practice of inflicting severe pain or suffering on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something.

Vigilante unit: Citizen patrol – a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement activities without legal authority.

Weapon: Armament – a tool or instrument used for fighting or self-defense.

Widowed: Bereaved – having lost one’s spouse through death.

☆Deploy: Send out – move troops or equipment into position for military action. 配備する、展開する

Stationed: Positioned – assign military personnel to a particular location or base.

Court-martialed: Tried – subject to a trial by military court for alleged offenses committed while serving in the armed forces. 軍法会議にかけられた

Discharged: Released – officially released from military service or duty.

Alien: Foreigner – a person who is not a citizen or national of a particular country.






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US Citizenship Test 問題集で学ぶアメリカ市民権公民テスト対策12 スピーキング



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